Tap tap... Is this thing on? 

Well, it's been a while. 7 months or so since I've visited this blog and written words and shared pictures. I don't even know why, except to say that when our historical blog content from 6 or so years didn't get moved over to our new site, the wind just left my sails. It stopped feeling like I was contributing to an ongoing story that had been recorded of countless people, couples, families, all connected because of my camera lens. It felt like starting over, and like the voice didn't exist. And also, life has been really busy. I'm learning a lot about seasons. Seasons where priorities have to adjust to make space for new. I thought, this is a season where I'm too busy to write. And if I don't write words to go with pictures, then how is this better than just sharing a few sneak peeks on Facebook? So I asked the question of my Facebook friends, and almost everyone who responded said: get back to blogging. Stories are bigger than Facebook.

So, here I am. Jumping back in to blog a session featuring one of those lovely voices who said, "just try again. It's worth it." And this is the perfect session to do that with, because Renee is a woman of intention, of thoughtfulness, of celebrating beauty and goodness even when things feel a little crazy.

I spent a short time last week with Renee and JP in their backyard, where they've been tending to all sorts of gardening projects. I have seen this backyard before -- most notably, as a place of celebration for a big life event, full of people and noise. But on this night, the backyard is a place for celebrating the little things that make up life, although those things aren't regarded with any less importance. This yard is a place where they retreat to do work that feels like an escape from work. A place where butterflies get saved. Where weeds are pulled to make room for the beautiful. Where mothers are honored with blooms. Where dreaming about hostas the size of people happens. Where there's room for big talks, little talks, or no talking. Where plants are rescued, just like a beloved dog. Where rocks are painted to commemorate special people, special dates. Where roots meet soil. Where the good stuff lives. 

Everything has purpose. Everything has meaning. Everything is cared for.

Renee and JP, thank you for this.